
Payne Springs Municipal Court

                                                                         19601 CR 2529, Payne Springs, TX 75156

Judge - Bradley Stephens
Court Clerk - Frances McClure 
Phone: 903-451-9110
Email: or 
OFFICE hours are Monday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm
Payments can be made on our Home page under "payment options" and click on the "Criminal Search" tab and enter first name, last name and date of birth.  If you find yourself having difficulty, feel free to contact the Court and we will walk you through the process. 
or click on the link below 
Fines and Fees for Citation





The City of Payne Springs Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances. Our pledge is to uphold this commitment and offer courteous customer service to all citizens.

The Municipal Court of Payne Springs will process any Time Served requests submitted by E-Mail or Regular mail. Request must have:

  • Full Name,
  • Address,
  • Date of Birth,
  • Phone Number,
  • Proof of incarceration dates 

Email to or Mail to Municipal Court 19601 CR 2529 Payne Springs, TX 75156.

The Payne Springs Municipal Court will offer a 10% reduction on Court fees and Fines on all outstanding warrants when the defendant pays their balance in full. 

This program will only apply to individuals taking the initiative to resolve their balances and will not apply to any individual who is currently in dention on their outstanding warrants.

Active Warrant List


Court Schedule 

  • Jury Trial Wednesday,  September 18, 2024, 9:00 am
  • Pre Trials Wednesday,  September 18, 2024, 9:00 am
  • Bench Trials Wednesday, September 18, 2004, 9:00 am

* If you are scheduled you should receive a letter explaining the exact time you are scheduled for.


Dress Code

This dress code applies to all persons attending court.  No children are allowed in the court.

Male Dress Code

  • Shoes with socks
  • Long pants (on pants with belt loops, wear a belt)
  • Collared shirt (tucked in) with a tie, with or without a jacket

Female Dress Code

  • Shoes 
  • Dress, skirt or long pants
  • Blouse, sweater or casual dress shirt

You will NOT be allowed to enter the Courtroom wearing the following inappropriate clothing.

  • Shorts
  • Hats (men) or hair curlers (women)
  • Halter or tube top
  • T-shirt or muscle shirt
  • See-through top
  • Flip flops
  • Clothing that exposes your midriff or underwear
  • Ripped or torn jeans
  • Baggy pants that fall below your waist
  • Clothing with an emblem or wording that promotes illegal or inappropriate activity
  • Clothing that depicts or promotes violence, sex acts, illegal drug use or profanity

Procedures & Fines

The City of Payne Springs court docket is the schedule of the court. Defendants will be expected to adhere to the procedures and protocol of the court at all times, including proper attire.

All mobile devices, including phones, must be turned off. Photography and audio recordings are prohibited. No food or drink will be allowed in the court room at any time.


(this option needs to be requested on or before the APPEAR BY DATE).

1. Can I take a Driver Safety Course?
Some drivers are eligible for a Driver Safety Course to show a non conviction on your record.  You must meet ALL of the following criteria to qualify for the Course:
  •  I have not completed (or in the process of completing) a Driver Safety Course in the past 12 months, 
  •  I do not have a commercial driver's license (CDL), 
  •  My citation is for LESS THAN 25 miles above the posted speed limit, 
  •  My citation was not for passing a school bus, 
  •  I am an insured driver and/or a policy holder on my vehicle insurance, 
  •  I have a valid Drivers License.
If you can answer "yes" to ALL the criteria above, then you qualify to take a Driver Safety Course.  If you do not qualify, but take the course anyway, the citation will still show on your record, and you will not receive credit for taking a driving course.  Please make sure you meet the criteria.
2.  I meet all the requirements for Driver Safety Course.  Now what?
  If you have decided to take the Driver Safety Course, we will require these document from you.
  • Come into the Office and a request for Driver Safety Course will be filled out,
  • A fee of $144 will be needed at time of Driver Safety Course approval,
  • A copy of your Valid Drivers License,
  • A copy of your vehicle insurance,
3. I qualify for a Driver Safety Course, and I have sent you the required payment and information.  What's next?
  • You will then have 90 days to complete the course and provide the Court with a Driving Certificate and a Driving Record upon completion of your Course.  Below is a link to find the "Approved Driver Safety Courses" accepted by this Court.  You do not have to wait until the 90 days are up to complete the course.  As soon as you get the course completed, the sooner your record will reflect the completion.
Approved Driver Safety Courses
Application for Driving Record

Deferral Disposition:  (this option needs to be requested on or before the APPEAR BY DATE).

This option is available if you are not currently on probation with Henderson County.  You must pay the equivalent of the fine and court costs plus $50 as the special expense fee, and you cannot receive any citations/convictions in the State during your deferral period.           

  • This option cannot be chosen if you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) at the time of offense or were speeding 25 mph over limit.
  • You must request this option by the appearance date on your citation.


Please be advised, the Court may not accept any Driver Safety Course if taken before the Courts approval.
a gavel

Law and Order

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