Payne Springs Municipal Court can be found at the location below.
If you are needing to make a payment here are a few ways;
- Pay in Person Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm, (except major holidays)
- Drop Box is OPEN 24/7
- Put payment in a sealed envelop,
- Cleary PRINT name & birthday on envelope,
- Must come in the foyer,
- Put in night drop box.
- You can drop cash/check/money order. The drop box is locked and the office is locked. Clearly PRINT name & date of birth on the envelope or money order. If you know your citation number you can also put that information on the envelope.
Payments can be made online as well, or click the "pay here" below, you can also view the status of a ticket also;
New feature: Below, or click here;
Scan to Make Payment
Fines and Fees for Citation
The City of Payne Springs Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances. Our pledge is to uphold this commitment and offer courteous customer service to all citizens.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did I received a Failure to Appear/Bail Jumping, or I received a Violate Promise to Appear?
The reason you received either of these two violations is not because you "Bail Jumped", it is because you failed to report to the Court by your appear by date. The appear by date is normally within 2 weeks of the date of the violation.
The Failure to Appear/Bail Jumping (FTA) is when you have been released after the Officer has issued you a NON-MOVING violation such as a Expired Registration, Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), or Driving While License Invalid/No Driver's License, etc.
If you have a NON-MOVING violation such as Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility, or Driving with expired/invalid Driver's License, or No Driver's License, this could result in your vehicle being Impounded by the Officer.
The Violate Promise to Appear (VPTA) is when you have been release after the Officer has issued you a MOVING violation, such as, Speeding, Disregarded Stop Sign, Passing in a No Passing Zone, etc.
These violations are issued by the Court 1 week after the Appear by Date.
How can I get my ticket dismissed?
If you have received a violation for Expired Registration, and within 30 days of the expiration date have renewed (got your registration sticker) it could possible be dismissed for $20.00 with your paperwork.
If the Expired Registration date is past the 30 days of the expired date and the date your received the citation it may not be dismissed.
Example: Ticket received 7/17/2024 and registration went out 6/2024, and you renewed your registration 7/25/2024, this can be dismissed with your registration renewal paperwork.
Example: Ticket received 7/17/2024 and registration went out 3/2024 (4 mths), and you renewed your registration 7/25/2024 this can not be dismissed.
if you receive a violation for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), and you had insurance at the time of the stop, please provide proof and the Court will call and verify that there was coverage at the time of the stop, and the violation can be dismissed. If there was no coverage at the time of the stop, this violation can not be dismissed.
I just got a ticket and I don't want it to go on my record. What can I do?
PLEASE SEE >Departments > Court-Other Payment Options for more details on the following.
If you have received a NON-MOVING violation such as Expired Registration, Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), or Driving While License Invalid/No Driver's License, etc. These violation do not go on your record, but they can hinder your renewal of your Driver's License if not paid. These violations could possible be Deferred, but to do a Deferral on these violations will add a additional fee of $50.00 to the existing fine amount.
Example: A Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance) violation is $356.00 + $50.00 = $406.00 total to the Court. This might be an option if this is your 2nd ticket on this violation. After 2 or more Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance) violations you will have to file other paperwork to keep you license, and keep insurance for 2 years or more.
If you have received a MOVING violation such as Speeding, Disregarded Stop Sign, or Passing in a No Passing Zone, etc. These violations could be dismissed with an Court Approved Driver Safety Course.
I did not deserve this ticket. I want to contest it. How can I do that?
1. You can call the Payne Springs Police Department and request an appointment to view the video. 903-451-6504
2. If you know for certain you did not commit this violation, you can fill out a Plea Form and submit it to the Court in person or via email. . Plea forms must only have one entry per violation. Each violation must have a plea form. If you have made a mistake and filled out all sections, please cross out, sign and date the mistake: Plea Example.
3. If you have viewed the video and have seen that you did commit the violation, the Court does have other options. Such as a Payment Plan, Driver Safety Course, and a Deferral Disposition. If you are under 25 and wish to do a Deferral you will also have to complete a Driver Safety Course as well. If you have a CDL these options are not available.
Contact Info
Frances McClure
Court Clerk
19601 CR 2529
Payne Springs, TX 75156
Payne Springs Municipal Court
19601 CR 2529
Payne Springs, TX 75156