Outstanding Warrants

 Outstanding Warrants as of September 19, 2024.

The Municipal Court of Payne Springs will process any Time Served requests submitted by E-Mail or Regular mail.

Request must have

  • Full name,
  • Address,
  • Date of birth,
  • phone number,
  • Dates in and out of jail. 

Email to court@paynespringstx.com or Mail to Municipal Court 19601 CR 2529 Payne Springs, TX  75156.

The Payne Springs Municipal Court offers a 10% reduction on Court fees and Fines on all outstanding warrants when the Defendant pays their balance in FULL.  This program will only apply to individuals taking the initiative to resolve their balances and will not apply to any individual who is currently in dention on their outstanding warrants.

Partial payments will not release the hold on your drivers license.

To take part in this program, please contact the Payne Springs Municipal Court at 903-451-9229 or 903-451-9110 during normal working hours Monday thru Friday, 8am-4pm. 


**Please be advised that payments made by debit/credit card there will be a 5% processing fee.**