To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.


Where do I vote?

Voting locations and times will be posted on the web site and at City Hall 30 days prior to the election.  


Outdoor Burning in Texas

outdoor-burning.pdf (tamu.edu)

Also see Ordinance-1988-5-4-00



Reminder: Texas vehicle inspection changes coming soon

New law eliminates most vehicle safety inspections

(AUSTIN, Texas – December 17, 2024) Beginning January 1, 2025, Texas vehicle owners will no longer need to obtain a safety inspection prior to vehicle registration. House Bill 3297, passed during the 88th Legislature in 2023, eliminates the safety inspection program for non-commercial vehicles.

The new law maintains the annual $7.50 safety inspection fee collected at the time of vehicle registration. Texans will see this fee labeled as the Inspection Program Replacement Fee on their registration renewal notice. Owners registering a new vehicle will pay a $16.75 Inspection Program Replacement Fee to cover the first two years of registration.

State law will still require obtaining a passing vehicle emissions inspection in the following 17 counties prior to vehicle registration:


For more information on this matter, please see document News Release.

Contact Info

City of Payne Springs
19601 CR 2529
Payne Springs, TX 75156


City of Payne Springs
19601 CR 2529
Payne Springs, TX 75156

Frequently Asked Questions

Community Events

I am wanting to have a gathering and would like to have it in your Community Center. Who do I contact for this information?

When you need to have a special event in the City of Payne Springs and you would like to have it in the Community Center please call 903-910-5490.  If there is no answer you must leave a message due to spam calls, and someone will get back with you.


What hours is City Hall open?

City Hall is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except for scheduled holidays.  

Building and Code Compliance

I just bought some property in your City. How do I get a Physical Address?

Once you have purchased a plot of land in the City you can call 903-675-3911 to get a "Physical Address".  There will be someone at this number that can get you this information, and what the next steps in your new adventure will entail.

How do I know if I need a Building Permit?

Permits are required on the following projects:

  • Additions to a structure (residential or commercial)
  • Building remodel that requires the addition or removal of an interior or exterior wall window or
    door or any trade work such as: Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC.
  • Building or replacing of a deck or porch.
  • Electrical Work
  • Plumbing work
  • HVAC
  • Roofing
  • Fence
  • Concrete work (driveways, sidewalks, patios, flatwork)
  • In Ground and Above Ground Swimming Pools (storable pools are exempt)
  • Hot Tubs or Spas
  • Demolition of a building
  • New construction of a building, main building, accessory buildings (permanent or portable),
    garage, carport, patio covers, and gazebos.

New Residential Packet

New Commercial Packet

I am building in your City, and I need to know what are the setbacks for a property?

I am glad you asked Per Ordinance 1988-3-06-00

Building Setback Lines:

The minimum front building lines upon any lot in the city, where the building has not been established by an approved plat or by any other city ordinance such as the subdivision regulations or zoning regulations, shall be determined by the City council prior to issuance of a building permit.  The minimum building setback lines shall be 25 feet in front, 10 feet in rear and 5 feet on each side.  For corner lots, a 15 foot setback shall be required on the side fronting the two intersecting streets.  

If you are building in a Sub-Division, check with them on their setbacks.  

Ordinances & Resolutions

May I burn trash and leaves inside the city limits?

Ordinarily you can.  Always be aware of a possible Burn Ban during periods of dry conditions.  Be careful to contain burning, monitor it carefully and be aware of weather conditions such as high winds.  Ordinace 1988-5-4-00 

Outdoor Burning Prohibited No person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit any outdoor burning within the City limits of Payne Springs except as provided for in *4-02 (Exceptions) Ordinance 1988-5-4-00

Permitting for New & Remodels

How do I know if I need a Building Permit? Permits are required on the following projects:

  • Additions to a structure (residential or commercial)
  • Building remodel that requires the addition or removal of an interior or exterior wall window or
    door or any trade work such as: Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC.
  • Building or replacing of a deck or porch.
  • Electrical Work
  • Plumbing work
  • HVAC
  • Roofing
  • Fence
  • Concrete work (driveways, sidewalks, patios, flatwork)
  • In Ground and Above Ground Swimming Pools (storable pools are exempt)
  • Hot Tubs or Spas
  • Demolition of a building
  • New construction of a building, main building, accessory buildings (permanent or portable),
    garage, carport, patio covers, and gazebos.

New Residential Packet

New Commercial Packet

I am building in your City, and I need to know what are the setbacks for a property?

I am glad you asked Per Ordinance 1988-3-06-00

Building Setback Lines:

The minimum front building lines upon any lot in the city, where the building has not been established by an approved plat or by any other city ordinance such as the subdivision regulations or zoning regulations, shall be determined by the City council prior to issuance of a building permit.  The minimum building setback lines shall be 25 feet in front, 10 feet in rear and 5 feet on each side.  For corner lots, a 15 foot setback shall be required on the side fronting the two intersecting streets.  

If you are building in a Sub-Division, check with them on their setbacks.  

I bought a new property, and I was told I had to have a culvert. What are my next steps?

If you have purchased a new property and there is no culvert, you either can contact the City and let them put it in and you pay for materials, or you can put it in yourself.  All culverts in the City limits shall be 15 inches in diameter and culvert pipe shall not extend more than 50 feet in length without a 5 foot length break for the purpose of cleaning out. Drainage Ordinance

What is the smallest a lot can be to build on?

The property that you are wanting to build on must be no less than 5000 sq feet Lot Size.  If the property is a few feet smaller you will have to fill out a Varient Request Form and bring it infront of Council to get your build either denied or approved.  Council Meetings are held at City Hall on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  Have your request in no later than 72hrs before meeting.

I want to put up a sign for my business. I did not see anything on this. What is my next step?

If you are putting up a sign for your business that is in the City limits, first you will need to state your business because it may already be included in your business.  If you are wanting to put up a sign to draw business to your business outside of the City limits.   You can come to City Hall and get a Sign Permit Application

If you are wanting a Billboard size sign, you will need to come infront of City Council and get approved for this size.  This will be considered a "New Business Permit Application".


When I am ready to submit my plans what is the next step?

When you have all your plans and approvals through the subdivisions (DelMar or Southwood Shores) & Contractors / SubContractors are registered, you can email all information to the email address at the top of the City Permit Application , as well as your Contractors.  ALL plans must be in PDF. 

If you are not building in DelMar or Southwood Shores then you will not need an approval application.

City Limit & Subdivision Maps

I am from out of town/state and I am looking to build in your city. Where do I start?

Well glad you asked.  1st are you building in the City limits of Payne Springs?  If you are not sure contact City Hall or view our City Limit Map below.  If you see you are building in the City limits (yellow areas below) & (Relevant Documents -above- the green areas), you can find the Permit Applications on this page.  You can also find more documents on the "Quick Link" tab, in "Building Department".

I am building in a Subdivision in your City. What are the requirements?

If you are building in the DelMar or Southwood Shores subdivision you will need to submit an application with either of these subdivisions before filling out a City Permit Application.  These forms can be found at the "Quick Links" tab, under "Building Department".  Or click any of the "underlined" text.

I can't find my location in the City Limit map. Where do I go?

If you find that your location does not fall in the City Limits of Payne Springs you are considered to be in the County, Henderson County TX.  Please click the underlined link to see what their restrictions are on building.

County Ordinances | Henderson County

Building Inspections

I put in an inspection request, but it was after 4pm.

If you put in a request after 4pm, your inspection will not happen until the next business days.  If your request was put in on 1/6/2025 after 4pm your inspection will not happen until 1/8/2025.

Registered Contractors

I registered last year, am I still registered?

Each Contractor needs to re-register every year.  Each registrations expires on the 31st of the previous year.  Unless you registered and have a registration form showing you are good until the 31st of the year in question.


Garage Sale Permits

What if I don't live in the City Limits of Payne Springs, do I still need a permit?

If you are having a garage sale but do not live in the city limits, but you are putting a Garage Sale sign on any City Limit road, such as Hwy 198, then yes you will need a Garage Sale Permit. 

The cost is nothing, but knowing when and were is good for the public.  If it is a community event then the City could post it on their website.

City Complaints

My neighbor has a very cluttered yard. I am affraid that there are snakes and rats. How can this be fixed?

If you are having trouble with your neighbor and they are not responing to your request.  Please fill out this "complaint form" and submit it via the emai, in person, or the dropbox if you would like to stay anonymous.

I have filled out your

If you have filled out a "complaint form" and nothing has been done.  You may not live within the city limits, or the matter is still in the works.  If you are not satisfied with the progress you may address this matter infront of council.  Council meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.  You can sign up to speak, but please be advised you only get 3 minutes to speak.


Why did I received a Failure to Appear/Bail Jumping, or I received a Violate Promise to Appear?

The reason you received either of these two violations is not because you "Bail Jumped",  it is because you failed to report to the Court by your appear by date.  The appear by date is normally within 2 weeks of the date of the violation. 

The Failure to Appear/Bail Jumping (FTA) is when you have been released after the Officer has issued you a NON-MOVING violation such as a Expired Registration, Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), or  Driving While License Invalid/No Driver's License, etc.

If you have a NON-MOVING violation such as Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility, or Driving with expired/invalid Driver's License, or No Driver's License, this could result in your vehicle being Impounded by the Officer.

The Violate Promise to Appear (VPTA) is when you have been release after the Officer has issued you a MOVING violation, such as, Speeding, Disregarded Stop Sign, Passing in a No Passing Zone, etc.

These violations are issued by the Court 1 week after the Appear by Date.

How can I get my ticket dismissed?

If you have received a violation for Expired Registration, and within 30 days of the expiration date have renewed (got your registration sticker)  it could possible be dismissed for $20.00 with your paperwork. 

If the Expired Registration date is past the 30 days of the expired date and the date your received the citation it may not be dismissed.

Example: Ticket received 7/17/2024 and registration went out 6/2024, and you renewed your registration 7/25/2024, this can be dismissed with your registration renewal paperwork.

Example: Ticket received 7/17/2024 and registration went out 3/2024 (4 mths), and you renewed your registration 7/25/2024 this can not be dismissed.

if you receive a violation for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), and you had insurance at the time of the stop, please provide proof and the Court will call and verify that there was coverage at the time of the stop, and the violation can be dismissed.  If there was no coverage at the time of the stop, this violation can not be dismissed.


I just got a ticket and I don't want it to go on my record. What can I do?


PLEASE SEE >Departments > Court-Other Payment Options for more details on the following.

If you have received a NON-MOVING violation such as Expired Registration, Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance), or Driving While License Invalid/No Driver's License, etc.  These violation do not go on your record, but they can hinder your renewal of your Driver's License if not paid.  These violations could possible be Deferred, but to do a Deferral on these violations will add a additional fee of $50.00 to the existing fine amount. 

Example: A Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance) violation is $356.00 + $50.00 = $406.00 total to the Court.  This might be an option if this is your 2nd ticket on this violation.  After 2 or more Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance) violations you will have to file other paperwork to keep you license, and keep insurance for 2 years or more.  

If you have received a MOVING violation such as Speeding, Disregarded Stop Sign, or Passing in a No Passing Zone, etc.  These violations could be dismissed with an Court Approved Driver Safety Course.  


I did not deserve this ticket. I want to contest it. How can I do that?

1. You can call the Payne Springs Police Department and request an appointment to view the video.  903-451-6504

2.  If you know for certain you did not commit this violation, you can fill out a Plea Form and submit it to the Court in person or via email. court@payenspringstx.com .  Plea forms must only have one entry per violation.  Each violation must have a plea form.  If you have made a mistake and filled out all sections, please cross out, sign and date the mistake: Plea Example.

3.  If you have viewed the video and have seen that you did commit the violation, the Court does have other options.  Such as a Payment Plan, Driver Safety Course, and a Deferral Disposition.  If you are under 25 and wish to do a Deferral you will also have to complete a Driver Safety Course as well.  If you have a CDL these options are not available.

Court Schedule & Dress Code

I have a Court date, but I don't know where I am supposed to go.

If you have a Court date due to a citation, or Jury summons.  You will need to go to:

City of Payne Springs

19601 CR 2529

Payne Springs, TX 75156

If you are coming from out of town or new to the area and need GPS you will need to put "Mabank" as the city due to we only have one Post Office for all the surrounding areas.

Outstanding Warrants

I have warrants, but I don't want to be picked up when I come pay. Is there a way I can pay without going to jail?

Yes, this location has no way of holding you.  This Court would much rather see you paying for your violations, than "locked up".  

I see I can get a reduction if I pay in full, can I do this online?

Unfortunately if you submit a online payment, there is no way to give you the reduction.  If you come in person, the reduction can be given.  The Court will also provide a receipt of payment.

I was in jail for a long time and was wondering if I could get time served?

If you have been in custody for warrants out of this Court you may be able to receive Time Served if you fill out a "request form".  If you have already been given Time Served for warrants out of this Court, you may have to pay in full, or set up a payment plan for the remaining balance owed to this Court, with a payment as low as $100.00 to get out of warrants and to start payment plan.

Fines & Fees for Violations

My ticket does not have the amount on it. How do I find out?

If you are unable to contact someone at the Court, there are two more ways to find out the price(s) of your citation.  You can click on the "Fines and Fees" or you can go to "Payment Options" and click on the Criminal Search tap and search by your name and date of birth, or citation number which is located at the top left hand of you citation.   All of your information should come up, and if you want to pay in full you can click "pay", and then enter in you credit/debit card information.  Please be advised there is a 5% processing fee for credit/debit cards.

I can't pay this in full. Do you have any other options?

You can go to "Other Payment Options" and see which one that interests you.  

I don't want this to go on my record. What are my options?

You can go to "Other Payment Options" and see which one that interests you.  

Other Payment Options

I'm on a fixed income and the payment plan amounts are to high. What are my options?

You can write a "Letter to the Judge" and provide your montly income and he may grant your payments lower.  You can submit your request to the Court via email, or by dropping it off during office hours.

It is past my appear by date. Can I still take a Driver Safety Course?

The Court is not authorized to approve this request.  You will need to submit a "Letter to the Judge" and he may grant your request.  You can submit your request to the Court via email, or by dropping it off during office hours.

My appear by date has passed and I would like to do a Deferral. What are my options?

Once your appear by date has passed the Court is unauthorized to grant this request.  You will need to submit a "Letter to the Judge", and he may grant your request.  You can submit your request to the Court via email, or dropping it off during office hours.

What is the Courts office hours?

Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8am-4pm (except for major holidays).

Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

The posted agendas and minutes of City Council Meetings are a true representation of the documents of file.  To get a signed copy, contact City Hall.

When is Council meetings?

Council meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.

Where are the meetings held?

Council meetings are held at City Hall

19601 CR 2529

Payne Springs, TX 75156

How do I get on the Agenda?

To be placed on the Agenda, you will need to fill out a "Request to be on the Agenda" application within 6 business days before the Council meeting date.  All applications need to be submitted in person, or via email to secretary@paynespringstx.com 

Open Records

I need to get some records from you. How can I do that?

Glad you asked.  If you are requesting an Accident Report for an accident you gotten into or via insurance company, that information can be requested in person, and in some cases online.


I need information on a former employee or information regarding a/my Court Case.  You will then need to submit a Open Records Request.  The City has 10 business days to get all information gathered from the time we receive your request.  There is also fees attached to this request.  If you are wanting video, that fee is not on the form, but runs $10 for the disc and another fee for the labor gathering the information.


How can I pay for my request if I'm out of town?

If you currently are not in the vicinity of the City of Payne Springs, and have received your amount that needs to be paid, and need to make a payment.

Payments can not be made over the phone due to credit card fraud.  Sorry for any inconvinience.

You can mail a payment to:

Pay to: City of Payne Springs

19601 CR 2529

Payne Springs, TX 75156

Once we have received payment, we will mail all information requested via certified mail.  

If you would like a tracking number please request this before or when paying.



Police Department

I was in an accident and would like a accident report. How do I get one?

You will need to fill out a "Accident Report" request and submit it to the City of Payne Springs.  Once the report is ready, a city official will contact you and let you know it is ready.  Fee can not be paid before the report is done, due to the report may not have been taken by a Payne Springs Police Officer.

I called the Police number, but no one answered. Who do I call?

If you have called the Payne Springs Police Department and did not get an answer.  If it is an Emergency call 9-1-1.  If it is not an emergency, call the NON EMBERGENCY dispatch number  903-887-7151 - X1 and a police officer will be dispatched to your location.

I need to speak to an officer. How can I do that if there is not one around?

Due to our limited officers on staff, you will have to fill out a Need to Speak with an Officer sheet.  When there is an officer available, and if you live in the city limits of Payne Springs, an officer will contact when they are available.  Sorry if this is an inconvienence.  If it is an emergency call 9-1-1, and if it is not an emergency please call our Non-Emergency Dispatch number 903-887-7151 - x1 and they can get you in touch with a Payne Springs Police Officer.

Impound Release

I need to get my vehicle out of impound.

First you will need to come to Payne Springs City Hall, bring documentation that you are the registered owner/or a signed title that you have ownership of said vehicle.  Proof of insurance (hard copy).  If you have insurance on your phone you can email a copy to the email in the contact info.

But I have temp tags?  Not the same as the Title registered in your name.

How do I get my vehicle out if it's not in my name?  You will need to get permission from the registered owner,  Impound Release Form , with a copy of their driver's license/ID, or they can be present with you to get it out of our impound.

I came to get my vehicle out, but the office was already closed.

If you have came to City Hall and found the Office was closed, please contact the Non Emergency Dispatch at 903-887-7151 x1 and ask for a Payne Springs Police Officer and someone will contact you from the City.

I need to get stuff out of my vehicle

If you are needing to get items out of your vehicle due to accident or you do not have the funds to get it out of impound.  You will need to come to City Hall during office hours with a copy of your Driver's License/ID to show you are the owner.  If you are not the owner you will need to get written permission to retreive your belongings with a copy of their driver's license/ID.

Can I pay for my impound release with a card over the phone?

Due to credit card fraud this option is NO

Anyone paying with a debit/credit card, card holder must be present. 

If the card is not in your name you will not be getting your vehicle out of our Impound.  

Sorry for any inconvenience.

I called and no one answered. How much is it to get my vehicle out with the correct documents?

Here is a list of our Impound Prices.  Please be advised that the price goes up $21.65 per day with tax.  By law 3-5 days after impounded, the City is required to send Certified notice to the registered owner that the City has possession of their vehicle, and again after 30 days if not picked up.


How do I know if I need a Building Permit?

Permits are required on following projects:

  • Additions to a structure (residential or commercial)
  • Building remodel that requires the addition or removal of an interior or exterior wall window or
    door or any trade work such as: Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC.
  • Building or replacing of a deck or porch.
  • Electrical Work
  • Plumbing work
  • HVAC
  • Roofing
  • Fence
  • Concrete work (driveways, sidewalks, patios, flatwork)
  • In Ground and Above Ground Swimming Pools (storable pools are exempt)
  • Hot Tubs or Spas
  • Demolition of a building
  • New construction of a building, main building, accessory buildings (permanent or portable),
    garage, carport, patio covers, and gazebos.

New Residential Complete Packet

New Commercial Complete Packet

Permit not required for the following:

Projects that are cosmetic, such as painting, wallpapering, carpeting, cabinets, and trim work do
not require permits. Additionally, permit are not required when replacing electrical fixtures on
existing wiring, or existing plumbing fixtures.

**This is not an inclusive list. Questions concerning your specific project should be directed to the City.**
*All contractors working in the City of Payne Springs are required to register with the City*


Any work done on docks/peers either new or repair you will need to contact Tarrant Regional Water District at Cedar Creek Lake – Tarrant Regional Water District (trwd.com) or 903-432-2814.

I can't find a specific form. Where can I find it?

If you are looking for a certain form to fill out.  There are forms for every area that you may need located under Quick Links and then forms.  If you are unable to find them, feel free to contact someone at the City.