Garage Sale Permits

If you are planning a Garage Sale the upcoming weekend and would like to advertise with a Garage Sale Sign, please stop by City Hall during business hours Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm and pick one up.  There is no cost to you for the permit.   The permit is to let us know where the goodies are, and to let other know (we don't get out much). 

Feel free to fill out an application before you head up to City Hall.

You will need to provide a DL/ID when stop by to get your Garage Sale Permit.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact City Hall on this issue.

Contact Info

Frances McClure
City Clerk
19601 CR 2529
Payne Springs, TX 75156

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't live in the City Limits of Payne Springs, do I still need a permit?

If you are having a garage sale but do not live in the city limits, but you are putting a Garage Sale sign on any City Limit road, such as Hwy 198, then yes you will need a Garage Sale Permit. 

The cost is nothing, but knowing when and were is good for the public.  If it is a community event then the City could post it on their website.